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Las Vegas
United States

702 523 1792

ENGAGE: Cirque-Inspired team building experiences, employee training and keynotes - For keynotes, trainings or workshops contact us at or 702. 523 1792


Workspace Wellness

Wellness in the workplace leads to optimum performance from a healthy engaged workforce.

Our wellness mission is to promote a healthier happier work environment. It brings value to your employees who in turn deliver elevated Customer Experiences. ENGAGE's reputable practitioners and trainers bring their varied expertize to enhance Workspace Wellness through different mediums: office exercise, mindfulness, nutrition and stress management.  

The benefits to a happy healthy balanced team are priceless. 








ENGAGE's expert FITNESS advisors specialize in simple and effective excercises you can do in your office or at home. Get results and feel good about yourself.

Exercise increases blood circulation, getting more oxygen to the brain, generating clarity, focus and stimulating the ability to generate new ideas.

Easy. Quick. Effective. 

They have created easy to implement desk workouts and routines that can be done in less than 7 minutes, individually or in groups. Watch your teams energy go through the roof and productivity follow the same path.


ENGAGE's expert NUTRITIONISTS specialize in healthy and revitalizing foods for the business professional. Healthy eating does not have to be a chore but rather a simple and enjoyable management of our diet based on knowledge and healthy habits.

1. Eating a proper, nutritious diet offers numerous health benefits that keep you mentally and physically well.

2. Increased energy levels is one of many immediate benefits of switching to a healthy diet.

3. Proper nutrition increases blood flow to your brain.


ENGAGE's expert STRESS MANAGERS specialize in the all-round mental and emotional well-being of the business professional by using simple and easy to follow MINDFULNESS techniques.

Minimizing stress in the workplace has incredible short-term and long-term benefits that have been scientifically documented to improve performance.

1. Stress makes us less functional and dulls clarity.

2. Lower stress means a happier and healthier life.

3. Who really likes stressed out people?

Companies with happy, forward-thinking cultures are 20% more profitable. - Gallup