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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


Filtering by Category: Happiness

Designing Success in the Workplace

Vital Germaine


What do you think it takes for Cirque du Soleil as a brand/company and the performers to go out and deliver amazing customer experiences?

This is a question I challenge audiences with during keynotes, employee trainings and workshops. There is a clearly defined top ten list of answers that audiences express. Their top ten list reads as:





  5. RISK



  8. MONEY

  9. SPANDEX (always makes me laugh)



It was an honor to perform in 2 different shows (Mystere and Quidam) over the course of over five years and 2,000+ shows as a team captain in what has recently been called, “The new best show on earth.”

I observed and observed the approach and mindset of individuals and of the company. Here’s what I discovered.

Many perceive that the performers achieve beyond human feats (defying gravity and staring death in the face on a nightly basis)… and yes we do, thank you very much. However, the same traits that allow such athletes and artists to become extraordinary are the very same that apply to more traditional jobs, positions and successes.

When it comes to business success, it’s called leadership and team work, a.k.a. CULTURE. Cultures are built on systems and policy. The “best show on earth” is created on the same concepts of systems and policy; we call it choreography/artistic direction/production.

Success in any capacity is not random.

Success is choreographed, inspired and staged. Each amazing trick that has made you gasp during a cirque show took talent, courage, risk, dedication, vision, communication, creativity and commitment. The commitment is a KAIZEN thing (Masaaki Imai, a Japanese organizational theorist and management consultant, studied the Toyota Production System and its Lean principles and was the first to introduce the idea of Kaizen to both Europe and North America).

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning change for the better or continuous improvement. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process.

The Cirque culture parallels the Kaizen philosophy. Each dance step, acrobatic flip, lighting cue etc. had potential to become better. Throw in the element of fun and freedom (but not anarchy) and you have a recipe for highly forward-thinking, happy culture that thrives. Your organization will feel the impact… as will your clients.

“We’d love to help you design a happier more creative culture through our dynamic keynotes and workshops.” Contact us today.


Vital Germaine,

President of ENGAGEteams360

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The power of hugging_don't tell HR

Vital Germaine

The power of a hug_Vital Germaine blog.jpg

The act of hugging falls under the sense of touch. It is such an underrated sense. Many humans are deprived of touch and it impacts their mental and emotional state incredibly.

Touch therapy is provided to premature babies who demonstrate an exponential increase in development and recovery. The same impact is present in every day life. It is a healing and motivating agent we can all share at any given time.

During a recent book signing, following a keynote presentation for approximately 800 attendees, I was surprised at the amount of people who wanted and initiated a hug. Modern society is lacking in warm and authentic connection.


Each hug caused a positive ripple effect, inspiring stronger and healthier connections. They became infectious.


Beyond the health benefits, hugging makes us more approachable, relatable and trust worthy. A good hug is the quickest and deepest way to connect, letting the other person know you care.

Research shows that when we trust somebody, more oxytocin is released, adding to the existing amount. The hug makes the other person not only feel good about us, but feel good about themselves.

BENEFITS OF OXYTOCIN AT WORK: Teams that caused or encouraged oxytocin release in each other were more productive and innovative, and enjoyed the tasks they were doing more, than those whose brains did not connect to their teammates. (Research by Paul J. Zak: ). Your company will experience lower absenteeism due to health or mood related issues. Your culture will be infused with enthusiasm, optimism and a general sense of corporate unity.

#hug a friend or colleague today.

The feel good factor is contagious and will impact your culture, your customers and of course your bottom line, if not simply those you care for, including yourself.

Corporate America is missing out on the power of hugs. Just make sure the hug is not "creepy" or too long. Men, be aware. Ladies, if a male hug feels uncomfortable or you question the givers intentions, communicate that. It's relative and open to interpretation. Ultimately, if your intentions of sharing a hug are genuine, authentic and healthy, it is a win win.

If no action is taken, then it becomes an HR thing OR… we could bring back the old-school Hollywood face slap????


When we hug someone, oxytocin is released into our bodies via the pituitary gland. That hormone release lowers our cortisol levels (hormone responsible for stress, high blood pressure, and heart disease).

  1. Hugs lower our heart rates

  2. Hugs enhance relationships

  3. Hugs can increase your self-esteem

  4. Hugs can lower stress 

  5. Hugs can lower the risk of heart disease 

  6. Hugs can boost immunity

Stay healthy my friends.

When it comes to intimate relationships, one may need more than a hug. It then becomes a cuddle. This is one of the safest moments in any intimate relationship. It says, I care for you, you are safe here. And that is beautiful and powerful.

A hug a day keeps the doctor away.


Vital Germaine

President ENGAGEteams360.

For more information about ENGAGEteams360 and our workspace wellness programs, log onto:

Contact us today and elevate your company strength by elevating and empowering the people who define and deliver your brand promise.

Happiness in the workplace: some shocking stats!

Vital Germaine


1. Happiness in the workplace.

Gallup did a survey to measure employee engagement and happiness. They polled 25 million employees (part time and full time) in 189 different countries and concluded that 1 in 2 employees are not happy at work. That’s a very sad statistic. People quit their bosses more than the job itself because their boss makes them unhappy. I think we can all relate to a bad boss???? Read about building happy cultures.

2. General happiness.

Source: TIME

  • In a survey of 2,345 U.S. adults conducted online between April 10 and 15, 2013, only a third of Americans (33 percent) reported being very happy.

  • People whose annual income is between $50,000 and $74,999 are happier than people who earn between $75,000 and $99,999.

  • People with a college degree are happier than those without.

  • The South is the happiest region. 

  • 65+ is the happiest age group.

  • Married people are happier than unmarried.

  • Having a child under the age of 18 in one's household makes no difference at all.

  • People who are registered to vote are happier than average.

  • People who live in the suburbs are generally happier than inner city dwellers.

3. Happiness by gender.

According to TIME magazine, women are happier than men.

Source: WikiGender

"Women report greater levels of unhappiness later in life compared to men, according to a new study conducted at the University of Cambridge and University of Southern California. (Published in the Journal of Happiness Studies 2008)."

4. Happiness by age.

Source: WikiGender

The same study showed that, "Men were the most melancholic at the age of 20, a period when they are most likely to be single. In contrast, greater life satisfaction for men is obtained through increasing purchasing power and the ability to acquire long-desired and coveted items, such as a car. These items might not be within their financial reach until later in life, explaining the increase in happiness."

"It was discovered that women are, on average, happier than men in early adulthood. The age of 48 seems to be an important turning point in women’s sense of happiness, this is when there is a reversal in the fortunes and life satisfaction of the genders."

At the age of

  •      34: Men’s general satisfaction exceeds women’s general satisfaction with life

  •      41: Men’s financial satisfaction exceeds women’s financial satisfaction 

  •      48: Men’s overall happiness exceeds women’s overall happiness 

  •      64: Men’s satisfaction with family life exceeds women’s satisfaction

5. Happiness by race.

Source: Huffington Post

  • 28% of Hispanic Americans say they are happy.

  • 36% of African Americans qualify as very happy.

  • 34% of White Americans claim to be happy.


Find a sense of purpose that is bigger than yourself. Be of a giving disposition that brings value to the lives of others. Get a dog or a cat. Travel and create memories rather than collect things. Spend time by the ocean, in forests and nature in general. Exercise and enjoy the endorphins. Eat lots of dark Belgian chocolate (phenylethylamine). Do something new and exciting regularly. Share more love. Do right by your fellow man. Smile, kiss and hold hands whenever possible. Meditate. Do random acts of kindness. Hang out with people that love and get you. Have the intention of making others happy and feel good about themselves... these should elevate your joy levels spiritually and scientifically. If none of these work, may I suggest a good glass or red wine.


The key to happiness is to be aware of your most important needs and expectations. Build a life that accommodates or fulfills those needs and expectations. Then be grateful that you have those fundamental needs in place, and enjoy vibrating at a high frequency and attract even more happiness. Jim Rohn summed it best when he said that happiness is designed.


Thank you for reading.

If this blog was of value or made you think what happiness means to you and what you need to become that emotion, then please share or comment.

Vital Germaine.