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7 Tips that Inspire and Shape Profitable Cultures

Vital Germaine

Logically, we all understand that change is inevitable, in particular when it comes to business relevance and market significance. Emotionally, we resist... we push back. That resistance is called Cognitive Dissonance. It’s a major roadblock preventing cultures to thrive, in big part because many leaders are not culture centric, and don’t provide necessary training or support to their employees.



The fear of tomorrow and change can be challenging (both personally and in regards to company culture, business and leadership). If we can inspire others to live in their zone of genius, then business will benefit exponentially.

1. OPEN-MINDEDNESS: The priceless behavioral trait of open-mindedness encompasses diversity, adaptability, risk-taking and the welcoming of failure as a stepping stone to success. Not to mention, open-minded people tend to create paths that lead to new and more profitable horizons. Open minds have a positive impact on all those they encounter and influence because they listen, they consider, they explore, try, and experiment... they are curious, they learn and adapt... they change into better versions of themselves that positively influences cultures and business outcomes. "Remain open-minded as to the possibility of what could come next."
Open-mindedness, like optimism is contagious. Embrace different perspectives, consider alternative options and have the courage to entertain that which scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable... yes, STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Don't just say it, actually do it. 

2. ATTITUDE: Attitude is sometimes the only fuel we have left in the tank when the road has been too rough and unforgiving. We can become emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually exhausted to remain optimistic. We can become blind to the need for transformation across company systems, corporate processes or SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures).  
The world is currently changing faster than at any other time in human history. We can often feel left behind and unable to adapt or reinvent ourselves. Organizations have no choice but to adapt if they wish to remain relevant. It's all about mindset. It's all about influencing those that work within your organization. Influence them to see and believe in growth and change. Innovation is a mindset.

3. DARING TO BE DIFFERENT:  When I auditioned for Cirque du Soleil back in 1993 in Manhattan (Battery Park), the first thing I noticed was how different (weird) they were. Who were these "strange" circus folk? What were they thinking and what planet were they from? Why was I even here auditioning for a circus that didn't have animals. "That's not a circus,"  I thought when arriving at the Big Top located down at Batter Park (1993). "No animals? That's silly!"
It takes courage to be "silly" and disrupt norms, standards and the status quo. It takes conviction to stick to your values when the world is heading in a different direction busy following trends and relying on metrics and stats and analytics designed to predict growth and profits.

4. CREATING A BLUE OCEAN: In retrospect, Cirque du Soleil was not silly. They were innovative. They redefined an industry with their new and different approach. They were in the process of creating a "Blue Ocean." It's a term coined in the book, Blue Ocean Strategy, by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgnie. In a nutshell, markets become over-saturated and create a feeding frenzy in which the waters become bloody (red). Through innovation a company creates unchartered waters that are fresh and blue.

Cirque's blue ocean was established through a courageous and forward-thinking mindset that "bled" through the veins of their founders into the ether of their culture. It is apparent in everything they did  and everything they were. It started from leadership downwards and back up from the front-line acrobatic warriors who organically gave the culture it's wings and heartbeat.
If your corporate warriors don't buy into the values that inspire and drive the change you need and desire, good luck. Blue oceans are built on authenticity, purpose and passion.

5. EMPOWERING AND INSPIRING: During the cirque audition, choreographer, Debbie Brown said something that blew my mind.

She said, "Show me YOUR jump, Vital."

"Show you MY jump? Really?" I thought. I'd always been shown or taught the jump the choreographer wants me to replicate.  This made no sense." I initially resisted out of fear and lack of understanding.
"Yes, I want to see YOU. I want to know what you have to say, share and express. What does your body language say about you as a unique individual and performer. We don't want to see what you've been taught."

She can't be serious I thought."Who are these crazy Canadien circus people? "Let go fo conformity. Don't count, just feel. Be free. Be YOU,” Debbie added as I explored and experimented in finding my jump. 
Up until that moment, no previous teacher, employer or choreographer had ever asked me such a question. Most bosses tell their employees what to do and how to do it without empowering or inspiring their tribe to suggest and contribute. Perhaps those bosses didn't care enough about individuals. Perhaps they are only preoccupied with employees as puppets and worker bees. Not very inspiring.

6. SETTING YOUR PEOPLE FREE: Debbie had eliminated all shackles. "Be YOU!" she had declared. That would enable me to transform and achieve my own goals too. 

In pursuing business goals, it pays when leaders and employers have enough emotional intelligence to understand what motivates their teams. Through listening and collaboration companies will increase and optimize employee engagement while driving innovation. Invite your "performers" to show them your jump. Allow them to be free. 
Furthermore, through listening and encouraging idea-sharing and expression (as was the case in the Cirque audition) leadership enables personal growth, which in turn helps employees to achieve personal goals. Challenge your team to be authentic and free to be seen, heard and understood. 

7. EXPRESSION and COLLABORATION: Debbie went down the line of other dancers during the audition. She invited us all to be uninhibited and express. Each performer came up with interesting and ridiculous interpretations, all of which seemed less embarrassing than mine. Each expression offered Cirque another option, a new platform of opportunity and innovation. 
Expression and collaboration are the corner stone of innovation and relevance. When employees are literally and metaphorically invited to the dance and are an integral part of its choreography, they become vested in a project. They take ownership. They will stick around and see it through. They will be more loyal, more engaged and more affective. 
Cirque made us feel significant through this process.  One of my favorite leadership quotes is by John Quincy Adams (6th President of the U.S) - "If your actions inspire others to dream more, do more, learn more and become more, you are a leader." We gave more and became more. Thank you Cirque du Soleil.

Read INNOVATION MINDSET and find out how you can inspire collaboration and drive a mindset of innovation within your culture.

1. INNOVATION MINDSET front cover jpeg.jpg


- A must-have for your leadership library!!

- Interesting and entertaining, genius and genuine

- Brilliant

- Oh my, the stuff I learned in this book!- Inspiring and Instructive

"I can proudly promise that by the end of this book you will possess at least 1 actionable tool, but probably several, that promote a more adaptive, expansive and encompassing mindset, that will allow you to reach higher, overcome obstacles and achieve more on all levels of life." 

The book also includes interviews with thought leaders from different industries:

  • Tim Sanders - New York Times Best-selling author and former executive with Yahoo.

  • Dennis Bonilla - Former Executive Dean UoPX and former US Navy Scientist.

  • Randy Sutton - Author, former police detective and TV News Contributor.

Thank you. If this blog was of value or made you think then please share or comment.
Vital Germaine

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Happiness in the workplace: some shocking stats!

Vital Germaine


1. Happiness in the workplace.

Gallup did a survey to measure employee engagement and happiness. They polled 25 million employees (part time and full time) in 189 different countries and concluded that 1 in 2 employees are not happy at work. That’s a very sad statistic. People quit their bosses more than the job itself because their boss makes them unhappy. I think we can all relate to a bad boss???? Read about building happy cultures.

2. General happiness.

Source: TIME

  • In a survey of 2,345 U.S. adults conducted online between April 10 and 15, 2013, only a third of Americans (33 percent) reported being very happy.

  • People whose annual income is between $50,000 and $74,999 are happier than people who earn between $75,000 and $99,999.

  • People with a college degree are happier than those without.

  • The South is the happiest region. 

  • 65+ is the happiest age group.

  • Married people are happier than unmarried.

  • Having a child under the age of 18 in one's household makes no difference at all.

  • People who are registered to vote are happier than average.

  • People who live in the suburbs are generally happier than inner city dwellers.

3. Happiness by gender.

According to TIME magazine, women are happier than men.

Source: WikiGender

"Women report greater levels of unhappiness later in life compared to men, according to a new study conducted at the University of Cambridge and University of Southern California. (Published in the Journal of Happiness Studies 2008)."

4. Happiness by age.

Source: WikiGender

The same study showed that, "Men were the most melancholic at the age of 20, a period when they are most likely to be single. In contrast, greater life satisfaction for men is obtained through increasing purchasing power and the ability to acquire long-desired and coveted items, such as a car. These items might not be within their financial reach until later in life, explaining the increase in happiness."

"It was discovered that women are, on average, happier than men in early adulthood. The age of 48 seems to be an important turning point in women’s sense of happiness, this is when there is a reversal in the fortunes and life satisfaction of the genders."

At the age of

  •      34: Men’s general satisfaction exceeds women’s general satisfaction with life

  •      41: Men’s financial satisfaction exceeds women’s financial satisfaction 

  •      48: Men’s overall happiness exceeds women’s overall happiness 

  •      64: Men’s satisfaction with family life exceeds women’s satisfaction

5. Happiness by race.

Source: Huffington Post

  • 28% of Hispanic Americans say they are happy.

  • 36% of African Americans qualify as very happy.

  • 34% of White Americans claim to be happy.


Find a sense of purpose that is bigger than yourself. Be of a giving disposition that brings value to the lives of others. Get a dog or a cat. Travel and create memories rather than collect things. Spend time by the ocean, in forests and nature in general. Exercise and enjoy the endorphins. Eat lots of dark Belgian chocolate (phenylethylamine). Do something new and exciting regularly. Share more love. Do right by your fellow man. Smile, kiss and hold hands whenever possible. Meditate. Do random acts of kindness. Hang out with people that love and get you. Have the intention of making others happy and feel good about themselves... these should elevate your joy levels spiritually and scientifically. If none of these work, may I suggest a good glass or red wine.


The key to happiness is to be aware of your most important needs and expectations. Build a life that accommodates or fulfills those needs and expectations. Then be grateful that you have those fundamental needs in place, and enjoy vibrating at a high frequency and attract even more happiness. Jim Rohn summed it best when he said that happiness is designed.


Thank you for reading.

If this blog was of value or made you think what happiness means to you and what you need to become that emotion, then please share or comment.

Vital Germaine.

Why Ego is not the enemy.

Vital Germaine


The ego is not always negative. It can be a great motivator for achievement and growth; a tool for empowerment. 

It can be a very healthy part of our individuality... the self, me... I. It's what fuels your sense of purpose; your "Why." But this ambition can turn negative when left unchecked.

Your "Why" is a Siamese twin connected at the hip, both arguably fed by the ego but in very different ways.

The first of those twins is the Altruistic "Why"—”the beautiful twin”. That’s the politically correct sense of purpose. It’s the generous giving part of your "Why". It’s the motivation that makes you the consummate social entrepreneur or humanitarian. It’s the part of you that cares and wants to provide a service that makes the world a better place. It’s the one you read of in company mission statements designed to capture the imagination of the consumer.

The second half of your purpose is the secretive and negatively viewed Ego-Driven "Why"—”the ugly twin”. It’s the selfish reward, applause-seeking and self-validating feeling you get from your achievement, even from your giving. It’s the selfish empowering emotions of feeling relevant, loved, powerful, important, rich, accepted, elevated, and beautiful and of value (all listed traits dependent on your personality type and values). There is no need to deny that “ugly twin”.

I am by no means condoning narcissism or total objectivism. Simply don’t let the “selfish” why get the better of you and control your decisions and actions. I believe in altruism as a foundation for a better society. The irony in being selfless, is that it makes the giver feel good about themselves, which we could argue is feeding the ego by bringing value or importance to the existence of that individual. It's a slippery slope worth thinking about.

Don't feel obliged to deny your deepest needs to be "politically correct" in an age drowning in undeserved trophies and awards for participation. Life is tough. Survival and self-actualization even tougher. Don't hesitate to put the oxygen mask on first and stay alive with humility and gratitude. The more empowered you are the more you can give and empower others. The “red herring” in the “put your mask on first” concept is that it is oftentimes leveraged to validate selfishness purely for the benefit of the ego and inconsiderate of others.


The Ego only becomes negative when it blinds us of the bigger and better picture of doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons.

The ego is a complex matter.

What is simple is that the negative Ego invites conflict, greed, disengagement, disappointment, resentment, envy, bullying, jealousy, and misunderstanding due to lack of empathy. It feasts on fear and control. None of these are positive traits of empowerment or value-creation for others and society. 

Find the balance and thrive. The choice is yours as to whether the ego is the enemy or your friend.

If this blog was of value, please like or share. Feel free to comment, even if they are ego driven :)


Vital Germaine